SimpleMDE is an embeddable JavaScript based Markdown editor, Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript web framework, a match made in heaven you might think? Well, yes, but it takes a little know-how to get them working together and it’s not quite as simple as you might think.

The problem arrises when trying to get the contents of a SimpleMDE skinned textarea into a Vue.js v-model bound variable, it doesn’t get through with the same ease as with a none Vue.js form - not even if you set the forceSync option of SimpleMDE. The solution is to wrap SimpleMDE in a Vue.js component, like so:

First include SimpleMDE in your Vue.js enabled webpage.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>

That’s the way I did it, because I had to operate within certain constraints, but you could install it via bower or npm as per the SimpleMDE documentation.

Next you need to add SimpleMDE as a component to your Vue instance.

Vue.component('simplemde', {
  props: ['value'],
  template: `
    <textarea ref="area"></textarea>
  mounted() {
    this.mde = new SimpleMDE({
      element: this.$refs.area, // Tie SimpleMDE to your textarea
      // Set your SimpleMDE configuration here
      // e.g. remove the status bar (status: false), customise the
      // toolbar (toolbar: ["bold", "italic", "heading"]) or similar
    var self = this
    this.mde.codemirror.on('change', function() {
      // Catch on change events
      self.$emit('input', self.mde.value())
  watch: {
    // Setup a watch to track changes,
    // and only update when changes are made
    value(newVal) {
      if (newVal != this.mde.value()) {
  beforeDestroy() {
    // Clean up when the component gets destroyed

Then simply use the component as per normal Vue.js components, here mdetext is a variable in your Vue data section.


And there you have it, SimpleMDE and Vue.js working together in harmony.